Monday, September 21, 2009

The Last

Through the course I learned a lot of different things, I learned to approach people and make conversation with them and also work with different kinds of people and material. I went to Channapatna alone it was something i thought i would never be able to do. I learned a varied number of skills like shooting a movie and editing it, making tools for communication to over come the language barriers. We also learned to represent data visually, make a scenario and persona and help in enhancing someone else's business with their consent. Working with different kinds of material and prototyping. Technology was another thing that I picked up a lot about. The endless visits to SP Road and not being able to get what i want. I also learned to let things go, experiment and let the product get spoiled if it does in the process. I also started becoming aware of the value of things and the value of effort gone into each little thing. On the whole I learned the design process and it was an interesting experience and i have taken a lot from this course. The only thing that i wish was different with the course was that the work load be distributed equally through the course. i felt like we barely had any work in the beginning and towards the end of it we were bogged down with too much work but then again we are used to doing our work only in the last minute.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Time Line

Week 1:
Channapatna visits.
Getting to know the stakeholder and their view on the prototypes and if they are interested in making the product. If they are interested in making it do they think it will do well and is it feasible for them to make it? How I will step out of the project and I will only be the instigator. Get them to make samples and see how the final product will look like.

Week 2:
Get other peoples view on the product. See the response and feedback got on the product and make changes accordingly if required.

Final Brief

Background: Place of work: wooden toys in Chennapatna, when i went there for testing my tools I thought there was a lot of scope in that area as the people made only beads in that area and this also only when they had orders from the company.

Outline: Identify untapped collaboration between technology and wooden toys in Chennapatna. Hence create something which uses both.

-the kind of technology you have decided to work with
-consider the economy and the constraints of the place of work
-who will do the technology part

SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, Threat):
Strength: suggests directions for research and ideation
Weakness: the kind of properties and product is not defined.
Opportunity: leaves the nature of the product open to creativity.
Threat: the transportation and the place of consumption.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Table Lamp With Fan-2

In this prototype i have corrected things that went wrong last time. I have put the wire through the pipe so it doesn't show and used smaller switches. The use of only one rod has made it more stable and the adapter makes the fan also run on electricity. In the previous one only the bulb would run on power the fan was running on battery. And for the packaging is done with corrugated cardboard.

Table Lamp With Fan-1

I decided to work with light in this project with wood. I made a prototype of what i expected the Channapatna artisans to make. I made it out of wood but they wood make it out of wood. It is a different concept of having a fan on table lamp. But I dint get many things right in this prototype like the wiring, switches and stability.

Pencil Box With Light

A pencil box which also serves as a table light. All you have to do is open the pencil box and press the button to switch the light on. This not only makes a new product for the Channapatna people artisans but also serves as an attraction for kids. The packaging is done with corrugated cardboard.

Product Ideas And Feasibility

I went to Sutradhar, Mother Earth and Maya organic to get somethings that I could probably work with and that would be made in Channapatna. I got an assortment of things. Some of the things i got and the ideas for it are:

Photo-frame: I thought it would me nice to have a button on the photo frame and if u press that it gives you a message or tells you the name of the person in the photo. Another suggestion that I was given for this was to maybe make the photo appear when a person stands in front of the photo frame for more than 30 seconds. But these circuits could take very long to make and cannot be done in 3 to 4 weeks.

Parrot: This toy works with the movement of the ball which is hanging, when this happens the birds beak bangs the wooden piece on which it is sitting and creates a knocking sound. I thought if we use something to amplify this sound and use it as a knocker outside doors instead of a normal bell that everyone has. This doesn't really work because it will just be removing an amplifier from something else and putting it in this.

Wooden Blocks: These are the shape blocks with which little children play to recognise two shapes which are the same. I had thought of using sound with this toy. everytime you put a correct shape in the correct place it would say the name of the shape. so the child doesn't get familiar only with the shape but the name of the shape as well. This again cannot not be done in 3 to 4 weeks. It needs a lot more time for this thing to work.

Top: Use one of the Channapatna toys and cut of the bottom n put a pen there instead for it to rotate on. When the top rotates it will make very interesting designs.

Jewelry Box: Have an alarm with motion sensor and light. If you don't open the jewelry box in a certain way the alarm goes on. When you open the box the light also comes on so that your jewelry is clearly visible. This product is not feasible as it works out to be very expensive. The alarm costs Rs400 and the motion sensor another 250 and the light and battery another 50, then you have the cost of the box and velvet as well.

Pencil Caps: A bunch of wooden pencil caps would be used on a platform and it would have some sort of mechanism under it which would make them topple over every-time the noise level goes up and they would stand back up when the noise level is low again.

Wooden Jar: This would capture the essence of the place. If you opened the lid and tilted the jar it would be able to record a sound and if u help it straight again it would play back that sound. This was interesting to capture the essence of a place. But the things needed for this circuit is not available right now.

Scale: A wooden scale which would beep if it shook while drawing a line.

Pencil Box: A pencil box which would open up and work as a table lamp as well. This idea seems feasible and i have made a prototype for it.

Table Light: A table light with a fan also attached to it. It has the light on one side and the fan on the other. A table lamp is something which I haven't seen people in Channapatna making. it will be a completely new product for them. This product is also feasible and i have made a prototype of it with bamboo.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

analyzing the project scope


Channapatna toy makers (wood) and electricians (electronics).


Make Channapatna toys with added value of technology.


Enhancing and increasing the value of things made in Channapatna.

How is the livelihood aspect being placed in your project?

The project proposes to enhance the products made by the Channapatna craftsman and also use the skill of electricians at the same time, this increases the income for both the electrician and the craftsmen.

How do you justify this?

The project proposes to enhance the product and hence increase the price of the product which results to a corresponding increase in the income of both the communities working on it.

Do an analysis of the economy behind the proposed livelihood.

The cost of raw materials, machinery, packaging and transportation is all included in the price of the product over which a profit is earned.

What is your role as an innovator or an art and design practitioner in this project?

As an art and design practitioner, my role in the project would be to put together technology and wooden products in such a way that they compliment each other and increase the income of the people working on it.

What is the scope of your project? Is it too much or too little for the time and resource available?

The project could have a small outcome in the space of the time and resources available – like the creation of small things things like pencil boxes which record homework or a traditional jar where you can capture a particular space by capturing the sound of that place. The time is not enough to work on bigger more complicated circuits.

Identify stakeholders - direct and indirect. (people who benefit from this or is involved in this) user, provider, etc.




Individual who owns jewelry


Channapatna craftsmen



Shops like Mother Earth, Maya Organic and Sutradhar