Monday, July 13, 2009

Business Enhancement ideas for Pasha the mattress and pillow sellerhoard

1. He can put a bed on display with pillows and a mattress so the customers can test the mattress and pillow before they buy it. This helps the customer to check if the mattress is soft/hard according to their liking. This ensures customer satisfaction and builds up goodwill among his customers.

2. He doesn't have his prices written anywhere in the shop and the price of the mattress and pillows differ based on the quality of t product, but as a customer you wouldn't know this by just looking at the beds. He should write his prices on small black boards and display them in his shop in such a way that people can see it from a distance. His prices are so low that it would attract customers to come and have a look and it would also tell the customer the price. He can attend to more customers at one point of time using this method. He can also erase the price written on the board and change it as and when he needs to.

3. He should have a different price for the hostels where he is selling in bulk. He should have a package for them where he gives them a discount for buying in bulk and also delivers it to the hostel. Delivering it to the hostel wont be difficult for him because he is situated at the end of the market road where the new hostels are all coming up.

4. He should put up a nice hoarding with his shop name outside his shop at a lower height such that it is visible to all the people walking by. He needs to do major ad campaigning. He should put up posters with the hostel schemes written on it in the areas where the hostels are coming up, this would make them aware of him being close to them. He would benefit from this greatly because these people would buy big number in one go.

5. He should use a nicer looking material to make his beds as this would reduce the cost of bed sheets for the customer. He could sell these beds at slightly higher price because of the better material. he should use a material which is easy to clean and doesn't absorb moisture but at the same time looks very nice. He could also sell bed-sheets because when people in the hostels buy mattresses they would generally need new bedcovers also.

6. He has two employees who sit there and do nothing. He could probably let go of one of the workers or open another shop in a close by area and make him sit there. In this shop that employee is an unnecessary cost. He can easily manage with just one person to help him. If he opens one more shop it would increase his income in the long run even though he would have to put in some extra money in the beginning.

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